Weekly Development Update 27 November to 3 December

Dec 5, 2023


Kick off Hcash V2.0 Development planning

Goals: construct higher dynamic TPS than other main network while still preserving security

1. Consensus mechanism design
2. Block compression algorithm
3. P2P acceleration
4. High efficiency storage engine
5. Smart contract engine
6. Layer2 Roll-up multi-chain system

HCash V2.0 progress:
1. Consensus mechanism V1.3 has been developed and can improve consensus performance.
2. P2P acceleration development has been 90% completed.
3. EVM-compatible smart contract v2.0 development has been 60% completed.
4. Layer2 multi-chain system design has been completed and is in the testing stage.
5. The NFT secure storage system design is complete, and development is 61% finished.

